What is error number 0X800CCC0E
This error happens when ever there is a problem with the Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express or Windows mail. This error is generally caused due to conflict with SMTP servers while we are using the Email program. This error message looks like:
SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10051, Error Number: 0X800CCC0E
SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0X800CCC0E
SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0X800CCC0E

This is mainly caused because of the fact that Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows mail fails to make a proper connection with the SMTP server. As a result of this we are not able to send a mail message.
In order to fix this particular error we have to ensure that the settings of our email account is correct and port 25 is the port used in SMTP area. It might be possible that that ISP has started to block this particular mail port. In this case we have to consult ISP and get the settings for SMTP email.
We have to navigate to Accounts->Tools. Then click Mail tab and choose the account to be changed and then press Properties. Then we press Server tab and check for the Server information and delete the populating texts in SMTP text box and over there type “smtp.live.com”.
Navigate to:
- Outgoing Mail Server
- Then My Server Requires Authentication
- Select Settings
- Log on using settings
Then we have to logon using secure password authentication. Then close the Outgoing mail server box and mail account properties box to finish setting up the account.
We can also get this particular error when the anti-virus/firewall software is enabled in the system. We just have to disable this for a moment and have to send the email. If it happens successfully then we have to consult ISP for help.