A Blue Screen Error is called a STOP error. When Windows suffers from a serious error, it stops immediately and BSOD occurs. All the STOP error include a STOP code which can be used to diagnose and possible fix the problem.

List of few Blue Screen BSOD Error Codes
This message means that a kernel-mode or a driver has attempted to access a memory location for which it did not have the permission or at kernel interrupt request level was too high.
This kernel-mode process has access to processes that have interrupt request level lower than/equal to its own. This message is due to faulty/incompatible hardware or software.
- It might occur because of installing a faulty device driver, system device or firmware. Disabling or removing drivers (name is mentioned in the STOP message) resolves the issue. Using updated software also resolves the issue.
- It might also occur due to failing or defective hardware. If the Stop message points to a category of devices, remove or replace the hardware to check if it is causing the problem.
- If this is encountered while upgrading to Windows XP, this might be due to an incompatible driver, system service, or backup. To avoid this while upgrading, we need to simplify the hardware configuration and remove all third-party device drivers and system services before running setup.
This indicates that requested data was not in the memory. It happens when a reference to an invalid system memory address is done. Defective memory or incompatible software might cause this error.
- If hardware is added recently, remove and replace it to determine if it was contributing to the problem or not.
- If a faulty driver/system service is installed. Always have to use updated drivers and software to try to avoid this error.
This indicates that a driver is in an inconsistent power state.
- It can occur after installing faulty applications/drivers/system services. We need to uninstall the particular application (name is mentioned in the STOP message)/ roll back the particular driver/ use an updated version of the software.
It indicates that a driver has attempted to write to read-only memory
- It occurs because of installation of a faulty device driver/system services/firmware. Try to use an updated version of software to resolve this problem. If the driver name is mentioned in the STOP message, we have to remove the driver or have to use a possible update of it.
Stop 0X0000002E or DATA_BUS_ERROR
It indicates a system memory parity error. It is caused due to defective or faulty RAM/incompatibility of memory hardware. Also when a device driver attempts to access an address in the range of 0x8xxxxxxx that does not exist, this error occurs. It can also indicate that a virus or some other problem caused hard disk damage.
- This error is mainly due to defective/malfunctioning memory hardware like memory modules, video adapter RAM. Remove and replace the hardware to find out its contribution to the error.
- Hard Disk corruption is also a cause of this problem
- Cracks, scratches or defective components on the motherboard can also cause this problem. Repair the motherboard.
- It can also happen due to installation of faulty drivers or system services. If the file name is provided in the error code, remove that driver. Also use updated versions of software.
I hope this list of error messages helps us in having a basic understanding of the type of error and enables us to handle the errors more effectively.